Meet Your Head Coach
Hi, I am Jennifer Mifsud, Health and Nutrition Life Coach, functional personal trainer and mother of two.
I am also the Founder and Owner of Sports Matrix and Sports Matrix Connections.
I have always had a passion for fitness and am an energetic sports person, from playing netball at a high level to professional running and I now spend my time competing and volunteering in sporting events on a regular basis, such as fun runs, obstacle races, stair climbing and mud runs.
But like most people around the world, I too battle with the Inner Matrix, I can self sabotage, listen to those inner demons and negative thoughts BUT I have learnt (and am still learning) how to switch those voices off and to push through to become the strong, independent woman I know I am and to find my inner matrix that works with me to achieve my goals... I want to show you how to move out of your comfort zone and find the inner matrix within you so you too can find your positive inner matrix.

Key Trainer Qualifications:
TAE qualified – TAEASS502
Diploma of Sports Development
Diploma of Nutrition
Diploma of Fitness
Functional Trainer
Advanced First Aid – HLTAID001-006
Psychological First Aid
Associate Diploma of Graphic Design
Events Completed:
Grapest 5km run
Senior Netballer
Pink Triathlon
Miss Muddy Mud Runs x 3
Run for the Kids Fun Run
Sunset Series Melbourne Zoo Fun Run
MCG Stair Stomp x 5
Sydney Stair Stomp
Adelaide Stair Stomp
Harry Potter Virtual Fun Run
Camp Quality Peninsula Obstacle Race
Spartans Obstacle Race Obstacle Volunteer
Eureka Tower Stair Climb x 4
Mudderella Mud Run