Learn how to fuel your body your game
It is just as important to fuel your body pre, post and during your games to play are full strength

Want to perform at your best?
Weekly challenges and record keeping, will teach you how to perform at your best,

Learn Positive Nutrition & Diet
Food is your friend not your enemy. Having a positive attitude to your nutrition is as important!

Identify Health and Self Awareness
Self care and self confidence takes practice, and coaching to stay positive

12 week program includes
Once you receive your personal log in you, will have access
to all the below items and the confidence of connecting to your coach
1. SMART goals & journal writing to keep track of your emotional needs
2. Food journal and myfitnesspal app for nutrition
3.Designed sport specific training program through trainerize to assist with your body requirements.
4.1:1 weekly zoom meetings
5. Access to your coach through trainerize for any questions
6. Access to Group WhatsApp for teens
7. Access to private facebook page for parents to stay in touch
8. Free 12 week running program
9. Free recipe book
10. Weekly personal challenges